Battle of toys
Charity project to donate part of the profits to the Mencía Foundation. New solidarity initiative. Collection of 111 illustrations of different characters.
Why this cause?
After the success of the collection last year for animal shelters, I decided to repeat it this year in 2023 for a different cause. Looking back in the USA, I was in a camp where I took care of children with rare diseases, and not only that, the winner of the 2022 auction suggested this cause to me. I am a true believer that everything is connected and everything happens for a reason, so I began to investigate more about this until I found a foundation that I loved.
The Mencía Foundation was born from the strength and hope of Mencía's mother, who was born with a serious genetic disease. They focus all their efforts on promoting scientific research into the search for treatment for genetic diseases, especially those known as "rare" and which today are incurable and highly disabling.
My project is aimed at his latest scientific project, which studies gene therapy. It involves correcting a defective gene. It gives a lot of hope for the 3 million people affected by genetic diseases.
This collection will be active and part of the profits will continue to be donated after launch.

FRIDAY 21 October 2022
Each person will be able to buy their Dalmatian by number, they will not see the Dalmatian until it arrives at home, in exchange, the shipping will be free and taxes included.
SATURDAY 22 October 2022
12:00 official web launch.
Auction (Stories) Pongo & Perdita
Auction (Stories) Chubby Dalmatian
Conditions: The blind presale as the online sale is the framing included in the price. In the blind pre-sale VAT will be included while in the official sale VAT will be excluded. Pre-sale shipping costs are covered by the author, online sales will be excluded. The author is responsible for any damage that the frame and glass may have received and responsible for replacing it. The return of the sheet will not be accepted in any case unless there are justified causes such as deterioration of the sheet.